Perkins Professional Development

Grants and Contracts Details


2022-2023 Perkins Leadership Professional Development Abstract Career and Technical Education is in a constant state of change in instructional strategies, technology integration, and content knowledge. Without this support, Kentucky’s Career and Technical teacher educators could not keep up with the challenging demands of their profession and support/teach those who will be affected by these changes. Of particular interest will be professional development in College and Career Readiness. The primary tool for the professional development is professional travel to state and national conferences to present and learn through conference proceedings, workshops, and presentations. Funding will specifically be used to attend the State CTE Conference held in July in Louisville, KY and one out of state conference to include either the National ACTE Vision Conference in Las Vegas, NV or the American Association for Agricultural Educators Conference in Raleigh, NC or the Southern Region of Agricultural Educators in Oklahoma City, OK. Upon completion of these conferences, the agricultural education program at the University of Kentucky will be able to: 1. share up to date knowledge, strategies, and content changes in agriculture to current and pre-service teachers. 2. examine research shared at conferences among post-secondary peers and work to collaborate on research affecting the commonwealth and specifically CTE in the commonwealth. 3. recognize needs of CTE teachers across the nation and how their needs relate to those in KY while working to solve problems of career and academic readiness At the secondary level throughout Kentucky, agricultural education programs will be affected by the most current instructional and assessment strategies practiced by pre-service and graduate teachers. The professional knowledge for CTE teacher educators will be gained by attending these research-based conferences. Instruction to impart the new knowledge gathered at the National CTE conferences will be developed as soon as the travel to the respective conferences is concluded. Instructional and assessment strategies will then be delivered to pre-service and graduate CTE teachers in the form of classes and workshops at UK, the ACTE Summer Conference, Region 2 Vision Conference, and the National Vision Conference. The teachers will then implement these instructional and assessment strategies in the Kentucky public secondary schools through field experiences and observations.
Effective start/end date7/1/226/30/23


  • KY Department of Education: $3,000.00


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