Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
This proposal has been prepared in response to a request from staff of the KYTC for a cost
estimate and proposal for conducting Phase I Archaeological Survey of two unsurveyed parcels along the
US 150 realignment in Lincoln County, Kentucky. These parcels were unsurveyed in the miginal Phase I
investigations because landowners denied access. Now the Commonwealth owns the property, and the
unsurveyed parcels can be assessed. This investigation is intended to provide specific infonnation
conceming the nature and distribution of cultural resources within the project area. The work that is
proposed will include a review of the existing archaeological sites and an evaluation of the extant
documentary and cartographic sources pertaining to the project area and its vicinity. This information
will serve as the basis for the design and completion of a Phase I archaeological survey, using a
combination of surface and subsurface investigative techniques.
Description of Project Area
The proposed project involves archaeological survey of two unsurveyed parcels along the
proposed realignment of US highway 150 (Altemater D) southeast of the town of Crab Orchard in
Lincoln County, Kentucky. These parcels were not surveyed in the original Phase I assessment of the US
150 realignment due to landowner denial of access (Richmond et al. 1998). Now these two tracts are
owned by the Commonwealth, so archaeological survey can be completed. Based on maps supplied by
KYTC, one tract is about 100 meters wide and 300 meters long (3.0 ha), while the other is about 100
meters wide and 160 meters long (!.6 ha). The total area to be surveyed is about 4.6 ha. In addition to
survey of these parcels, KYTC has requested that UK-PAR provide a definitive determination of whether
site 15Li6 is located within the proposed alignment. The reported location of 15Li6 in the OSA files is
within one of the two unsurveyed tracts, but the original survey (Richmond et al. 1998:9) placed l5Li6
several hundred meters south of the proposed ROW alignment. The location of 15Li6 needs to be
The project area is in a combination of upland and small stream flood plain settings. The larger
of the parcels is on an upland summit and shoulders in pasture, while the smaller is in the flood plain of
Flax Creek. Shovel testing will be employed in both parcels, but some deep testing of alluvial
depositional environments also will be necessary. This will be accomplished by using a bucket auger to
sample sediments to a depth of about !.5 meters below surface in at least 4 locations (two deep auger
holes on each side of Flax Creek).
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 5/31/07 → 6/30/12 |
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- 28 Finished
Menifee County: U.S. 460 Realignment, Phase III Data Recovery Mitigation at 15MF632, Item #: 10-117
Ahler, S. (PI)
12/9/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research project
Menifee County: U.S. 460 Realignment, Phase III Data Recovery Mitigation at 15MF632, Item #: 10-117- Field Work
Ahler, S. (PI)
12/9/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research project
Clark County: Proposed Mountain Parkway Interchange Archaeological Investigations Item #: 7-8101
Pollack, D. (PI)
12/2/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research project