Phase I Archaeological Survey - High Street Bridge and Approaches, Boone County, Kentucky - Item No. 6-1046.0


Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal has been prepared in response to a request from staff of the KYTC for a PhaSe I Archaeological Survey proposal for work on the High Street (US 25)/ Bridge and Approaches Replacement Project in Boone County, Kentucky. This investigation is intended to provide specific infor.mation concerning the nature and distribution of potential archaeological resources within the project area. The work that is proposed will include a review of the existing archaeological sites and an evaluation of the extant docuroenta:t'Y and cartographic sources pertaining to the project area. This information will serve as the basis for the design and completion of a :Phase I archaeological survey, using primarily subsurface investigative techniques. Description of proiect Area The proposed project involves survey work on an approximately .2,700-ft. ROW that includes replacement of the High Street bridge and approaches along US 25, over the Norfolk Southern Railroad, in the town of Walton, near the boundary between Boone and Kenton counties. The project area begins south of the town of Walton at Sta. 84+12.80 and extends 2,700 ft. north along existing us 25; the ~OW averages 80 ft- wide with several areas that extend beyond this distance for short sections. According to your December 23,2003. . letter, a potential historic archaeological site Inay be found within the project area. The 1883 map of Walton illustrates a steam~powered grist and sawmill in the area where us 25 crosses the Norfolk Southern Railroad. The elevation of the project area averages 900 ft. amsl- Description of Services to be Performed A. Review of Available Data The background research that will be conducted as part of this planning survey will consist of a thorough review of the available archaeological and historical infor.mation pertinent to the project area which will include: . 1) Inspection of the Office of State Archaeology site files and reports for archaeological sites recorded within the study area; . A synthesis of the professional archaeological work conducted in nearby areas as it may relate to the understanding of resources within the project area. 2) 3) A preliminary analysis of the area's environmental characteristics that may aid in understanding the Ioeational patterning of prehistoric sites.
Effective start/end date1/7/041/31/05


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