Grants and Contracts Details
Upland Oak Phase II – LSR
The project will help restore, through the collaborative use of science-based management
practices, the regeneration and recruitment of oaks in the Central Hardwoods Forest, that is it
currently lacking. If left unchecked, there will be significant reductions in the ecologic and
economic value of upland hardwood forests occupying priority landscapes across the South.
The project builds on a national initiative and two previous Landscape Scale Restoration
Projects in US Forest Service regions 8 and 9 that resulted in a conservation strategy and
guidelines for oak management. The activities for this project will include the development of
silviculture decision key for use in the App/websites forester, the development of an oak
evaluative guide for use in the App/websites landowner, the design and development of a
Mobile App and Companion Website, and consultation with states on how to monitor
implementation and how to construct landowner engagement protocols, both built into the
App. This project will also field test the beta Mobile App/Website. develop training and
educational materials, and development and launch of Mobile App/Website. Following these
activities, we will conduct state training and education workshops (virtual or face to face as
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 6/1/22 → 9/30/24 |
- KY Division of Forestry: $285,945.00
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