Grants and Contracts Details
The highly persistent heavy metal, cadmium, a known carcinogen, occurs naturally in the environment. In
addition to background levels in soil, application of phosphate fertilizers and sewage sludge to cropland is a
critical link in the cadmium exposure pathway because it is taken up by food1. As a result, cadmium is present
in virtually all foods, with more than 80% of food-cadmium coming from cereals, vegetables, and potato2;
mollusks and crustaceans are also an important source of cadmium. Average cadmium intake in food generally
varies from 8-25 ..g/day1; 3. The US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Total Diet Study (TDS) update
reported a 26% increase in dietary cadmium exposure from 1990-2003, from 8.81 to 11.06 ..g/person/day4.
Though a common misconception, tobacco smoke exposure is not the only source of cadmium where
each cigarette contains only 1-2 ..g of cadmium 1; 3. Further, cadmium exposure is a major concern in
Appalachia because of its presence in coal and subsequent release during mining operations5.
Cadmium has been shown to cause decreased sperm production and increased oxidative stress6-8. However,
as cadmium is not a mutagen, we hypothesize that it exerts its pathogenic potential through the
reprogramming of the epigenome. Epigenetic reprogramming allows cells to adapt to their ever-changing
environment resulting in the accessibility of chromatin DNA, to the many regulatory factors that impact gene
regulation (including toxic exposures). Cadmium exposure modifies epigenetic alterations in various cell types
and is likely to occur in sperm as well. However, whether these hypothesized changes occur, and whether they
will cause transgenerational influences on offspring disease risk are unknown. It has long been thought that
DNA methylation in the sperm is erased after fertilization. However, recent studies now refute these long held
beliefs and it is now clear that some of these methylation patterns are indeed retained and transgenerational in
nature9. Our goal for this project is to determine the impact of cadmium on DNA methylation patterns using a
mouse model of chronic cadmium exposure at environmentally relevant doses. Our hypothesis is that chronic
cadmium exposure induces DNA methylation alterations that cause an epigenetic rearrangement of the
chromatin that ultimately impact mRNA and protein expression. We then predict future long-term
developmental detriments such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease will occur in offspring from
those paternally exposed sires. While investigating the long-term outcomes in the next generation are outside
of the scope of this P30 pilot proposal, we feel epigenetics and developmental programming are highly
impactful and will help improve our chances of funding success with a future R01 application.
To test our hypothesis, we will conduct exposure studies and measure gene expression and DNA
methylation in the exposed sperm.
Aim 1. We hypothesize that epigenetic modifications caused by cadmium exposure will, in part, affect not only
phenotypically but epigenetically alter sperm cells. In laboratory models, cadmium has been shown to cause
gene specific hypo- and hypermethylation events in multiple cell lines. Furthermore, recent studies have
identified differences in global methylation and gene specific promoter CpG island methylation in cord blood,
placenta, newborns and children exposed in utero to cadmium. However, the impact of cadmium on DNA
methylation in the sperm to drive epigenetic inheritance is unknown. Numerous studies in rodents have shown
that chronic cadmium exposure in the drinking water at doses relevant to human exposures can cause
decreased sperm numbers and increase oxidative stress. Here, we will use a similar and environmentally
relevant exposure paradigm where cadmium chloride (3 mg/kg body weight dose) will be added to the drinking
water in the exposed group of C57BL/6 male mice for 8 weeks in order to cover the entire period of
spermatogenesis and maturation. We will monitor food and water intake as well as body weight prior to
collection of sperm. Live sperm will be isolated, followed by nuclei separation, and RNA and DNA purification.
We will perform RNA sequencing and use high-resolution methyl-seq to map DNA methylation changes in
mouse spermatozoa from mice exposed to cadmium and non-exposed vehicle controls. We will analyze only
viable sperm, which are most likely to fertilize the egg and carry-on the inherited epigenetic change
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 5/1/17 → 3/31/20 |
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
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