PL 52, Bike/Ped Data Collection and Model Calibration Project: Match to 3200005710

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract PL 52, Bike/Ped Data Collection and Model Calibration Project 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025 In recent years, there is a resurgence in walking and biking trips in the USA. The 2009 National Household Travel Survey estimated that walking and biking trips account for roughly 11.9% all trips, higher than the 9.5% estimated in 2001. Bicycle use as a transport mode has also increased--between 1977 and 2021, the share of bicycle trips as a percentage of total trips more than tripled from 0.6% to 2.1%. These trends point to the need for increased project-level accommodation of pedestrians and bicyclists. KYTC has developed the Complete Streets, Roads, and Highways Manual (KYTC 2022a) that shifts from an auto centric approach to one more focused on the multimodal transportation needs of communities. An accompanying Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2022b) provides a framework for advancing pedestrian and bicycle projects within various Kentucky agencies and guidance for existing pedestrian bicycle facilities to determine which ones need improvement. The objective of the proposed research would be to establish a process for KYTC to collect data for pedestrian and bicycle facilities akin to the volume data collected for vehicular traffic. This would permit the establishment of base line data for these facilities and allow for estimating impact of the facilities through before/after counts. The data collection will also allow for the development and refinement of the prediction models developed in PL 48 using more local data instead of generic national estimates.
Effective start/end date7/1/245/31/25


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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