Plant Fund: Next Generation Materials and Processing Technologies (NextGen MatProTech) Project 2

Grants and Contracts Details


Project Abstract The primary purpose of the proposed integrated cluster of projects by the University of Kentucky is to advance the current state-of-the-art through investigation and development of engineered materials and novel manufacturing processes strategically-important to US Army. The proposed research specifically targets two key focus areas of U.S. Army''s modernization strategy: Long Range Precision Fires and Next Generation Combat Vehicles. Outcomes of the proposed fundamental research are expected to lead to transformative new capabilities in applications such as hypersonics, light-weighting, and protection from ballistics and blasts under the Advanced Materials Manufacturing Process Research for Army Modernization Priorities. This proposed University of Kentucky project seeks to develop novel components comprised of multiple classes of materials, discover new nano-structured metal alloys, and advanced composite materials, using novel manufacturing methods such as smart, sustainable and hybrid manufacturing processes. The research conducted under this program will focus on multiple material technologies such as high entropy alloys (HEA) and hybrid materials (HM) to address these challenges through advanced additive manufacturing and other novel material processing and manufacturing technologies. To accomplish these major objectives, the University of Kentucky research team has identified the following four Research Thrust Areas: (a) Engineered High-temperature Materials; (b) Advanced Additive Manufacturing; (c) Novel Manufacturing Processes; and (d) Predictive Modeling and Performance Assessment. Seven relevant projects have been identified under the above four Research Thrust Areas: 1. Nanostructured Materials with Improved Thermo-Mechanical Stability for High Temperature Applications in Next-Generation Propulsion and Weapon Systems (PI: I.S. Jawahir) 2. Faster Processing of Carbon/Carbon Composites for Defense Applications (PI: John Craddock) 3. Novel High Entropy Alloys and Bulk Structural Processing for Extreme Grain Refinement for Enhanced Materials Performance (PI: John Balk) 4. Development of Smart Additive and Hybrid Manufacturing Systems (PI: Fazleena Badurdeen) 5. Magnetic Field Assisted Additive Manufacturing to Fabricate Materials with Enhanced and Tailored Properties (PI: Haluk Karaca) 6. Modeling and Structural Characterization of Integrated Electro-Mechanical Multi-Material Systems (IEMS) from Solid State Additive Manufacturing (PI: James Caudill) 7. Robust Aerosol Additive Manufacturing for Advanced Next Generation Electronics (PI: Julius Schoop) A total of 13 University of Kentucky researchers (7 PIs and 6 Co-PIs across seven projects) and 10 ARL Program Leaders will collaborate on this cooperative research program.
Effective start/end date5/5/215/4/25


  • Army Research Office


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