Plant Fund Scope: NNCI: The Kentucky Multi-Scale Manufacturing and Nano Integration Node (MMNIN)

Grants and Contracts Details


The two premier research universities in Kentucky, the Universities of Louisville (UL) and Kentucky (UK), propose a joint NNCI node entitled “NIMS – Nanotechnology Integrated into Multiscale Systems.” The node leverages over 20 years of investment by NSF EPSCOR and the state of Kentucky in the areas of nanoscience and microtechnology, including approximately $100M in core facilities and several new faculty hires. We will build upon our existing statewide nanotechnology network, the KY nanoNET, which is a collection of all the universities, colleges, core facilities, researchers, companies and outreach entities involved in micro/nanotechnology throughout the state. It was created in 2008 through NSF EPSCoR funding and has grown to 18 nodes throughout Kentucky. As a member of the new NNCI, we will extend our presence in nano-science and microtechnology to the entire midwest and southeast regions of the United States. Our unique Midwest/Southeast location can help address the current NNIN's absence in this region and bring a much-needed EPSCoR presence to the future national network. Our node will offer two strengths: 1) a nationally-competitive collection of state-of-the-art core-facilities for both nano/micro fabrication and characterization spread across two research universities located close together, and 2) unique faculty expertise in the emerging area of "multi-scale manufacturing", which we define as the set of technologies capable of producing three-dimensional structures/devices/systems ranging from the nano-scale to the human-scale, including the ability to integrate tiny technologies into larger parts and components produced using additive manufacturing (AM). The technical challenges we will address include integrating all of these diverse technologies to produce desirable solutions which incorporate design flexibility, high throughput, and high resolution at low to moderate cost. Our proposal will also leverage and greatly expand existing outreach initiatives to promote nano-science and multi-scale manufacturing to our nation's next generation of needed scientists. Current outreach efforts include Nanodays, summer high school nano-camps, cleanroom tours, and formal educational activities and nanotechnology exhibits at our the KY Science Museum.
Effective start/end date9/15/158/31/21


  • University of Louisville


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