Precision Agriculture: Subproject 2: Development of a GIS-Based Model for the Generation of Pesticide and Nutrient Distribution Maps

Grants and Contracts Details


The problem facing most Kentucky landowners and farmers is the lack of appropriate and cost effective strategies to manage scarce and variable resources in a site-specific manner. Specific efforts in this project are split between developing and advancing geospatial technologies in support of three thrusts: i) agricultural systems, ii) land use planning and decision-making and iii) natural resource management in Kentucky. These thrusts are addressed by specific objectives within eight subprojects: 1) A System for Implementing Dynamic Accuracy Standards for Machine Guidance Technology in Agriculture. 2) Development of a GIS-Based Model for the Generation of Pesticide and Nutrient Distribution Maps. 3) Tools for Increasing Machine Efficiency in Irregular Fields. 4) Licking River Watershed Assessment and Classification. 5) Surface Soil Hydrology: Management Driven or Map Predicted? 6) Gray Fox Ecology and Monitoring in Kentucky. 7) Harnessing Cell Phone Technology to Track the Black Bear in Eastern Kentucky; and 8) Identify Spatio-temporal Dispersal Corridors and Hotspots of Invasive Species.
Effective start/end date9/1/088/31/11


  • Cooperative State Research Education and Extension


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