Preference of Reproducing Sows for Various Sources of Rendered Animal Protein Byproducts

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract: In swine production, voluntary feed intake (VFI) is critical for optimal growth of pigs and for maximizing sow lactation performance. To illustrate this, the swine industry has long used spray-dried plasma protein (SDPP) in nursery diets specifically because of its ability to enhance VFI of nursery pigs even though it would “price out” of least cost formulation programs based on its cost relative to soybean meal. Animal protein byproducts may uniquely affect feed preference based on the umami flavor, a “meaty” flavor, thereby improving VFI of pigs. Recent palatability/preference research results from the University of Kentucky (funded by FPRF) demonstrated that pigs preferred poultry byproduct meal and meat and bone meal to SDPP when given a choice demonstrating that they also have a unique effect of VFI. The preference was markedly better when the diet options were offered immediately after weaning compared to 7-10 days after weaning; thus, the timing of exposure to different tastes is important. The lactating sow is another area of swine production where VFI is extremely important for both the nursing piglet as well as subsequent sow rebreeding performance after weaning. The research proposed herein is aimed at verifying the hypothesis that sows will also demonstrate a preference for PBM and MBM, thereby leading to improved VFI during lactation, thereby potentially increasing pig weaning weight, reducing sow weight loss while nursing, and improving rebreeding performance. The optimal inclusion levels and preference of animal byproducts in gestating sows will be assessed first, followed by preference studies in lactating sows. This evaluation of the feed preference of sows has the potential to generate great value to the rendering industry. For instance, assuming one of the animal byproducts demonstrates a sow preference and that it is included in sow diets at 3% of the diet and a 50% adoption rate by the industry equates to a new usage of 90,000 tons (or 180 M lbs) of rendered animal protein byproducts. 2
Effective start/end date8/15/223/1/25


  • Fats and Proteins Research Foundation Incorporated: $35,098.00


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