Grants and Contracts Details
Our research team comprises a synergistic experimental and theoretical collaboration of complementary
expertise, and access to crucial resources. Prof. Whittaker-Brooks (LWB) is an expert in nanomaterial
synthesis and structural and electronic characterization.9,10 In addition to in-house synthetic and
characterization facilities, LWB has allocated beam-time to perform in operando X-ray absorption fine
structure (XAFS) spectroscopy, and access to in operando X-ray diffraction (XRD) facilities. LWB will
perform the material synthesis, and electrochemical and impedance characterization of the macroscopic
devices. Prof. Guiton (BSG) is an expert in in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of inorganic
nanomaterial systems,11–13 and has access to ultra-high resolution aberration-corrected scanning TEMs,
equipped with in situ heating and biasing capabilities at her home institution and at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (at which part of her research group is based full-time). BSG will perform TEM sample
fabrication and in situ analyses. Prof. Mukherjee (PPM) is an expert in mesoscale computational physics and
stochastics of materials-transport-interface interactions in electrochemical storage systems.14,15 PPM will
perform computational modeling and theoretical analysis.
Specific Aim 1: Synthesize and fabricate solid/solid interfaces with a controllable interlayer. Our motivation
is to enable systematic interrogation of a controllable solid-solid interface for sodium intercalation. Towards
this aim we have chosen: (1) a good electronic conductor known to intercalate sodium without large volume
expansion as cathode material (TiS2); (2) a mediating molecular interlayer of perylene diimides (PDIs) tethered
to the TiS2 surface; (3) sodium-ion conducting solid polymer electrolyte with high ionic conductivity
(Na[(FSO2)(n-C4F9SO2)N], (NaFNFSI) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)); and (4) a sodium metal anode TiS2
nanowires will be grown in a synthesis previously developed by LWB, and functionalized with PDIs tethered
via a thiol terminating group, for which we have chosen five functional groups with varying polarities to
modify the interlayer energetics (Fig. 2). NaFNFSI-PEO will be prepared using a solid-state literature preparation.16
As-synthesized heterostructures will be fabricated into coin cells for impedance measurement, and into samples
for in situ TEM characterization using focused ion beam (FIB) milling, and lift out, with deposition onto
an electrical-biasing TEM substrate, using a technique previously optimized by BSG.
Specific Aim 2: Determine the key morphological and structural
characteristics dictating electrochemical-transport mechanisms at the
interface. Using in situ microscopy characterization, coupled with
impedance and in operando measurements, we will correlate local dynamics with mesoscale characteristics
related to transport properties. In situ devices (Fig. 3) will be biased in the TEM, while performing
simultaneous atomic resolution imaging of the interface. Low accelerating voltages will be used to minimize
electron-beam dose to the solid polymer electrolyte. Electron energy loss spectroscopy mapping will be
employed in real-time, to correlate the atomic structure with the presence and oxidation states of Na, S, and
Ti atoms in the vicinity of the interface. Selected area electron diffraction and Fourier transform analysis will
aid in correlative mapping of local crystalline features to the structure/composition information. Macroscopic
half-cells will be characterized using impedance measurements and in operando XAFS and XRD.
Specific Aim 3: Mesoscale modeling and analysis of electrochemicaltransport mechanisms at the solid/solid
interface. The mesoscale interactions due to morphological and interfacial heterogeneities on short-range (charge
transfer) and long-range (transport – diffusion and migration) electrochemical interactions will be
modeled. Specifically, stochastics due to these interfacial heterogeneities will be interrogated, and
their influence on macroscopic properties (impedance) and performance will be elucidated.
This collaboration represents the first example of a comprehensive multimodal study, including in situ
characterization coupled with mesoscale modeling, of a systematically controlled solid/solid sodium-ion
battery interface. At the successful completion of these studies we expect to have set the stage for a
systematic pathway toward understanding and designing heterogeneous, active solid-state interfaces. This
will have a significant positive impact on tailored interface design for large scale energy storage
technologies,17 leading to a vertical advancement of the field.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 2/1/19 → 1/31/20 |
- Research Corporation for Science Advancement: $36,667.00
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