Program Income: Kentucky AIDs Education and Training Center - FY24

Grants and Contracts Details


SCOPE OF WORK Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) and the University of Kentucky Following is the Scope of Work for the SE AETC Central Office at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the University of Kentucky for the 5-year period between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2024. Subrecipient General Deadlines and Responsibilities 1. Assign a representative to attend and actively participate in at least 8 of 10 monthly group teleconference calls and report back to partner office about items on the call. 2. All events created in moXse must include information on date(s), time(s), location and objectives at the time the event is created. 3. Data for events and clinical preceptorships including Participant Information Forms (PIFs), evaluations (if collected on paper at the event), Event Records (ERs), including written event descriptions, should be up-loaded to moXse within 10 days of event completion. 4. Submit detailed monthly narrative reports using report template provided by the SE AETC Central Office, by 5:00 pm Central Time/6:00 pm Eastern on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend the reports are due the following Monday. Reports should include impact statements, as well as identify who requested the need for training, objectives of training course or event and expected outcomes, along with names of speakers and credentials. 5. Submit monthly invoices with back-up documentation within 30 days after month end. Program managers should review invoice and back-up tool prior to submission to ensure documentation is complete and accurate. 6. Enter PIFs for each completed event for at least 95% of all attendees. Only participants that complete paperwork can be counted toward grant goal completion. 7. Obtain and enter in moXse evaluations for all didactic, skill building, and clinical preceptorship events. If the training is part of a series, evaluations can be completed at the end of the series and/or in December and June. If electronic evaluations are utilized, there must be multiple attempts emailed to providers in an effort to obtain completed evaluations. 8. Evaluate group clinical consultations or Communities of Practice at the end of the series of events or each December and June. Random group consultations should be evaluated at the end of each event. 9. Technical assistance should be evaluated twice per year and entered into moXse. If an evaluation is not possible, prepare an impact statement and provide it with the monthly narrative report at least twice per 6th month period. Two statements before December 31st and two statements before June 30th. Subrecipient General Program Requirements 1. Select a representative or champion to actively participate in each funded project work group. The selected participant must be aware of the project and able to interact with the work group, provide an update on partner progress, and relate information back to their team. Participate in other committees or work groups as requested. 2. Work with the Central Office to distribute SE AETC newsletters, Webcast Wednesday marketing blasts, needs assessment reports, regional conference information, and special reports or documents to state contacts and others in the region. Request impact statements from re-occurring attendees and provide to central office in monthly narrative reports or as requested. 3. Develop joint curricula, topics, and speakers. Coordinate at least two speaker presentations for Webcast Wednesday. Provide contact information for at least three (3) speakers per year willing to be part of the SE AETC speakers’ bureau. 4. Participate in promoting events and online learning opportunities from all 8 states in the SE AETC. 5. Contribute at least quarterly to the monthly e-newsletter and updates for the SE AETC website; these may include recognizing achievements, HIV research updates, and training events in your state. 6. Place a link to the SE AETC website on your state AETC website. 7. Select and fund at least one representative well-versed in partner activities to attend the annual SE AETC Partner meeting. Subrecipient Core AETC Program Requirements 1. Complete specific action steps listed under the Base or Core Goal of the SE AETC work plan. 2. Build relationships with local health, primary care, hospital, student health, mental health, oral health, and professional medical and social service organizations in your state and increase the size and strengthen the skills of the current and novice HIV clinical workforce in the Southeast. Reach out to at least two (2) clinics or health centers not already involved in the AETC and link to training and services. 3. Provide didactic and skill building in-person events to the number of providers referenced on work plan. 4. Coordinate focused training topics on the HIV needs in your state; the majority of events should relate to findings from the needs assessment, statewide coordinated statements of need (if applicable), requests from local providers and organizations as well as the strategic planning portion of the partner meeting, Offer clinical preceptorships as specified in the work plan to MDs, NPs, RNs, Novice Providers (e.g., Fellows, Residents, NP students), Pharmacists, Dentists, Physician Assistants, Social Workers, Case Managers, Outreach Specialists, Clinical Counselors and Psychiatrists. 5. Link with medical school residency programs to offer HIV and primary care training in the Infectious Diseases specialty; train faculty of health professions schools to better teach students to address the health care needs of people living with HIV (PLWH) through longitudinal education and collaborative practice. 6. Conduct individual and group clinical case consultations or communities of practice by telephone, email, virtual conference, or face-to-face, and link clinicians to the regional web-based Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) conference discussions. 7. Provide at least two (2) full day conferences/symposia per year introducing advances in HIV and HCV care and treatment. 8. Offer regular updates on guidelines, journal articles, clinical trials, and ART medication. 9. Provide technical assistance to health care professionals to improve outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum (i.e., diagnosis, linkage, retention, taking ART, and viral load suppression). 10. Strengthen relationships with Ryan White Parts A (if available) and B in your state to implement AETC training in their integrated plans and to request input into AETC work plans. 11. Develop a relationship with two rural clinics at risk for an HIV/HCV outbreak as a result of substance use. Subrecipient Interprofessional Education (IPE) Program Requirements 1. Complete key action steps under the IPE Goal in the SE AETC work plan. 2. Continue to attend and actively participate in monthly IPE work group meetings with the Central Office. A key focus of the group will be to identify HIV curriculum components to be incorporated within each IPE project and evaluate the program. 3. Identify/continue teams consisting of at least one medical student, one advanced nurse practitioner student, one pharmacy student, one behaviorist or social work student in their first two years of training and provide ongoing hands-on clinical experiences for this IPE team in HIV/AIDS clinics, community health centers, rural health clinics, or other primary care sites caring for PLWH. An additional physician assistant student may also participate in the IPE program. 4. Continue to encourage IPE coaches (educators, faculty members, providers) to build clinic relationships, mentor IPE team members, and conduct skill building classroom training to better address the health care needs of PLWH. IPE coaches will be required to attend training as requested by the Central Office. 5. IPE coaches should help clinics determine capstone projects for their students and share positive impact stories of the IPE program with the central office in narrative form. Capstone projects should be sent electronically to the CO at the end of each IPE program. 6. Evaluate twice a year each individual student’s performance, the IPE faculty, and the team as a whole. 7. Evaluate the IPE program each year and suggest ideas for improvement. 8. Evaluate in moXse each session of the IPE program at the completion of the session. 9. After each IPE program cycle, partners with IPE funds will email past students an evaluation gauging their intentions to work in HIV or their current level of HIV employment. Central Office (CO) Responsibilities 1. Provide samples of requested documents so partners are able determine the pertinent information to be included in budgets, narrative reports, evaluations, and other requested documents. 2. Collaborate with and provide guidance and programmatic assistance to the work groups for each project. 3. Market materials to promote the SE AETC. 4. Continue the Strategic Learning Innovation Team that will assist in determining program goals and writing evaluation strategies while expanding the teaching expertise of faculty across the SE region. 5. Provide CME credit for series events across the region. 6. Provide social work credit for series events across the region. 7. Provide dental credit for Oral Health and HIV events across the region. 8. Provide data reports for each state’s activities twice a year. 9. Provide state specific Webcast Wednesday data to partners monthly. 10. Accommodate partner’s specific data requests as needed. 11. Coordinate and conduct site visits to partner sites. 12. Coordinate and fund one regional meeting for all partners each year. 13. Conduct individual monthly review calls with each partner as needed. 14. Assist partners with special educational, administrative, or fiscal concerns, as needed. 15. Develop regional online learning initiatives and webcasts. 16. Review partner spending and invoices at midyear and prior to year-end; provide spending guidance and review and approve budget revisions as needed. 17. Manage the TN AETC, housed at Vanderbilt, and implement projects and programs according to the Scope of Work for state partners. Subrecipient Practice Transformation Expansion (PTE) Program Requirements 1. Select PTE champion(s) among the staff members at chosen health center(s). 2. Assist health center in conducting the JSI PT baseline survey to determine HIV knowledge and current HIV testing practices as well level of substance use assessment, treatment or linkage to treatment. 3. Build capacity for regular testing of HIV and HCV, taking a comprehensive sexual history and recommendations for delivery of test results. 4. Establish protocols for linkage to care after positive HIV test, risk assessments and prescribing of PrEP and PEP. 5. Provide trainings on reducing stigma around HIV and LGBTQI patients and the development of an inclusive environment and intake forms. 6. Train health center staff on conducting substance use assessment and providing treatment or linkage to treatment. 7. Educate health center clinicians to provide emergency Narcan and long-term Suboxone treatment for opioid dependent patients. 8. Train clinicians to care for uncomplicated HIV patients in primary care settings, and learn when to refer. 9. Transition health centers completing the PTE project before the end of the five-year cycle to the PTE sustainability quarterly CoP. 10. Report to central office as requested.
Effective start/end date7/1/166/30/24


  • Vanderbilt University: $3,487.00


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