Program Income: The Creation of a Wheat Field School at University of Kentucky Research and Education Center (UKREC) in Princeton Kentucky

Grants and Contracts Details


We propose to create a wheat field school at the University of Kentucky's Research and Education Center (UKREC) located in Princeton, KY. The purpose of the school is to provide basic to advanced levels of agronomic training to consultants, managers, and/or producers working with wheat. The UK Wheat Science working group has achieved regional and national recognition in advancing the wheat production knowledge in the southeastern US. This school will allow UK to provide additional training and resources to continue this long-standing tradition. Based on the findings from last year's grant that was funded by KYSGGA (Planning/Evaluation for UKREC Wheat Field School), we believe this endeavor is feasible and aligns with the missions of UKREC and the new Grain Crops Center of Excellence. The previous grant allowed six UK personnel represent five different agronomic disciplines to travel and experience Purdue University's Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center (DTC). Further, we met with the director of DTC, Corey Gerber, and received insight into how they operate and the issues they have had to contend with in their training sessions. We conducted a trial run this past year with personnel that represented producers (e.g. Don Halcomb), crop consultants (e.g. Roger Boyd), extension agents (e.g. Darrell Simpson), and nine UK faculty and staff (from Lexington and Princeton) that would be responsible for organizing the training sessions. The demonstrations were well received and of benefit to the participants. We propose to hire Jim Martin (retired extension weed scientist) and a summer intern to help establish and organize the wheat field school. Jim will work with researchers and specialists in planning, establishing, and maintaining demonstration plots in areas that include, but may not be limited to, herbicide/sprayer issues and symptomology, soil fertility demonstrations, planting issues, disease issues, insect issues and "goof plots". Initiating a weeds garden is also being considered, but this will take time and available resources to complete. We plan to offer two or three individual 5-6 hour long trainings that will take place early winter, late winter, and prior to wheat harvest. Appropriate CEU's and literature will be provided per topic area. Additionally, I have contacted UK Agricultural Communications regarding videotaping these sessions. All trainings will be videotaped and available via the Internet. We also plan to videotape additional segments that might not have appropriate timings for in-person viewing (e.g. disease spread, insect damage, etc.) and post them on the Internet. In order to successfully complete the initial field school, we are requesting $31,280. I am requesting: Jim Martin's salary for an average of 10 hours per week ($25,000); a part-time intern at 320 hours/year ($3,200); lunch for three trainings at 30 people per training ($1,080); field supplies including fertilizer, seed, herbicides, and containment of weeds in weeds garden ($2,000). Long-term sustainability of this training center may require consideration of additional funding options.
Effective start/end date9/1/1612/31/17


  • Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association: $3,179.00


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