Progress and continuation plans for the eXtension Consumer Horticulture Community of Practice

Grants and Contracts Details


Public launch of Consumer Hortic lture Web site: The Consumer Horticulture CoP intends a soft launch of its public Xtension Web site to Extension Master Gardeners at the International Master Gardener eeting, May 2-5, 2007, in Little Rock Arkansas. The CH-CoP Web site will be highligh ed as part of the conference, and a booth showcasing the Web site will be part of the co ference trade show. Conference attendees will be able to register for eXtension user acco ts when they stop by the trade show booth. Following this soft launch, EMG ill be mobilized and trained to serve as first responders in the Ask an Expert c mponent of the fully integrated eXtension Web site to be launched in Fall 2007. The reI ase time described below will be used to coordinate these activities. The CH-CoP lea Richard Durham, seeks a 20% salary buy-out to provide time and resources to sup ort this effort. With this buy-out, Durham and the Department of Horticulture will p vide sufficient time and budget (up to $7,500 in travel funds) to facilitate training EMG i the Ask an Expert first response role. Durham, with the help of eXtension Professional Development Leader Beth Raney, will develop both print and on-line resources for trai ing EMG to be first responders. Trainings will be held in conjunction with regional aster Gardener conferences, as on-line Breeze sessions, or on a state-by-state bas s as travel resources allow. Identification of Federal Partners i Consumer Horticulture Pro rammin : In October 2006, CH-CoP lead Durham (also hair of the CHNC) visited several USDAlCSREES program leaders to pilot discussio s regarding potential funding opportunities that would involve consumer horticulture and EMG related programs including eXtension activities. The goal of this visit was to establ sh contacts that might be revisited by the entire CHNC, all of which are members fthe CH-CoP. The balance of funding from Part I would be used to support travel 0 two other members of the CHNC (along with Durham, travel covered above) to Washin n, DC, to meet further with national program leaders.
Effective start/end date10/1/066/30/08


  • University of Nebraska: $20,000.00


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