Grants and Contracts Details


PharmacistCARE will serve as the model for the diabetes care program. The pharmacists will provide diabetes education and medication therapy management (MTM) to employees of St. Claire Regional Medical Center through group educational classes and individual follow-up appointments to improve glucose control, medication use and self-care practices. Employees with diabetes will have the option ofreceiving care at the worksite via clinical pharmacists employed by St. Claire or via community pharmacists from a newly established network of pharmacies providing services within the 5 county region from which St. Claire employees are drawn. The initial and follow-up assessments are provided by pharmacists who have expertise in diabetes care. In the diabetes program, pharmacists will work closely with patients' other health care providers for medication adjustments and recommendations. Additionally, local diabetes educators in other health professions from S1. Claire or local health departments will be utilized to provide group diabetes education to patients. The program's pharmacists plan to engage in Collaborative Care Agreements, as defined by the Kentucky Pharmacy Practice Act, with physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
Effective start/end date4/8/1112/31/12


  • American Pharmacists Association Foundation: $25,000.00


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