Project Revision: Demonstration of the Combustion Characteristics of Fuel Briquettes made from Fine Coal and Biomass

Grants and Contracts Details


The proposed expansion of the briquette-combustion demonstration project will be conducted with the primary objective of evaluating the behavior (i.e., processing, combustion, and emission characteristics) of fuel pellets produced from a combination of fine coal, biomass, and a proprietary binder formulation in an industrial-scale stoker boiler. This proposed project expansion will be conducted in conjunction with and in addition to the combustion of fuel briquettes as originally proposed by the UK Research Foundation and approved for funding by the Governor's Office of Energy Policy under GOEP seed grant solicitation number 09-GOEP- 03. Similar to the original proposal, the proposed expansion also addresses all three of the guiding principles used in the development of Kentucky's Energy policy: lower-cost energy via production of a high-quality, low-cost fuel; responsible utilization of energy resources via beneficial use of potential energy resources now being discarded; and a commitment to the environment through production of a fuel that bums cleaner and reduces the amount of energy resources that have been and continue to be discarded. The proposed expansion also addresses the stated mutually inclusive goals of energy development, economic development and environmental quality and specifically addresses five of the recommendations of the 2005 Comprehensive Energy Strategy including Recommendation 18-promotion of renewable resources; Recommendation 25- support projects and initiatives intended to open new markets for Kentucky coal; Recommendation 33-recovery of refuse associated with abandoned mine wastes', Recommendation 36-transformation of waste materials to value-added products; and Recommendation 42-responsible development of our energy resources III a low-cost and environmentally- friendly manner.
Effective start/end date10/1/089/30/09


  • KY Office of Energy Policy: $14,969.00


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