Grants and Contracts Details


Project SAFESPACE is a collaborative initiative of Kentucky’s Department for Community Based Services (DCBS), its behavioral health agency, the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID), the University of Louisville (UL), the Department for Medicaid Services, Eastern Kentucky University, University of Kentucky, Children’s Alliance of Kentucky, Kentucky Partnership for Families and Children, Youth Leadership Council, and Kentucky Youth M.O.V.E. This collaboration is framed by a five-year cooperative grant the UL received from the Children’s Bureau (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). The Project is designed to improve both the child welfare and behavioral health response to children in out of home care. The target ages are between 6-18. By cooperatively engaging both systems, it is believed that systemic changes that result in: the creation of a universal screening tool; a functional assessment tool; better guidance in the development of outcome-oriented case planning; and, improved treatment outcomes in both systems that serve these children. SAFESPACE: Background UK purpose To support the systemic changes necessary for the outcomes of this grant, significant education and training on child trauma and best practices for implementing the selected screening and functional assessment tools are necessary. The UK Center on Trauma and Children has demonstrated its expertise in providing quality education and training on trauma, making it uniquely qualified to provide these services needed for achieving the identified outcomes of this grant. SAFESPACE: UK Center on Trauma and Children Contract Scope Language: The University of Kentucky Center on Trauma and Children will provide: A literature review on the following topics to be submitted to SAFESPACE Project Manager: • Universal screening tools for the targeted child welfare population (ages 0-18) and approaches to screening, identifying (at minimum) the tool’s psychometric properties, sensitivity to change over time and appropriate age range for use; • Functional assessment tools for the targeted child welfare population (ages 0-18) and approaches to functional assessment, identifying (at minimum) the tool’s psychometric properties, sensitivity to change over time and appropriate age range for use; • Evidence based case planning approaches for the targeted child welfare population (ages 0-18) and approaches to case planning, incorporating (at minimum) the current DCBS practice model involving Solution Focused Casework; • Evidence informed progress monitoring for the targeted child welfare population (ages 0-18); and, • Evidence based treatments for the targeted child welfare population (ages 0-18).
Effective start/end date3/1/146/30/14


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $7,500.00


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