Project Wellness Edge

Grants and Contracts Details


The Human Development Institute proposes project Wellness Edge to build capacity of local communities to enhance and facilitate access to wellness and recreational programs so that they can effectively serve individuals with paralysis and their support networks. Twenty percent of Kentuckians have some form of mobility disability (CDC, 2018). Despite progress, 45% of adults with disabilities in KY are inactive (CDC, 2018). Therefore the grant aims to enhance integration and inclusion of individuals with paralysis in wellness and recreational programs in communities and thereby improving health outcomes of not only the individual but also their networks. Our target population is individuals with any type of paralysis and their support networks which includes caregivers, family, and friends. The project objectives are- 1) Identify non-profit community organizations, that provide long term services and supports, that are implementation ready, have innovative ideas, and want to increase access through a competitive subaward process, 2) Fund and support sub awardees to implement innovative feasible solutions by providing technical assistance on advocacy, accessibility, and wellness. 3) Collect data on the efficiency of the subawards process and the impact of the subaward on the individuals with paralysis and their support networks in their local communities. Anticipated outcomes are 1) Increased accessibility and inclusivity of community wellness and recreational programs; 2) Increased participation in wellness and recreational programming by individuals with paralysis and their support networks; 3) Increased organizational knowledge and capacity to enhance future initiatives. Expected products include marketing materials about the subawards, subaward applications and related documents, and online site which will host technical assistance materials for sub awardees.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/21


  • Administration for Community Living: $175,345.00


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