Proposal to Study the Kentuckiana Works Program

Grants and Contracts Details


A key part of any program designed to assistant individuals is a periodic assessment of whether the program works. That is, is the programming actually providing assistance to participants? In order to help fulfill this goal Kentuckiana Works has requested a proposal from the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) to conduct annual evaluations of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs in the Louisville area. In the first part of this proposal we describe a national non-experimental evaluation of the WIA program that we are conducting for the Department of Labor. In the second part we discuss how the evaluation can be modifies and undertaken specifically for the Kentuckiana Works program. In the third part wee discuss some ideas for an ongoing annual analysis of the Kentuckiana Works program.
Effective start/end date4/1/096/30/10


  • KentuckianaWorks: $55,000.00