Grants and Contracts Details
Specific Hypotheses to be test~d include:
1.' Psychosocial status will, significant cOT1ttibUt;ions to
survival independent of the contribution of physiological status.
Survival will be predicted by lower depression, anxiety and
expectations of more future life eventSt greater social SUPPQTt and
pet ownership. . -- 2. Deter! orat ion in psychosoc h.t sta.tus will predi ct decreased
snr'YivtJ,l. The maanitude of the deterioration in Psychosocial
statuB will contribute to survival status. Those subjects whose
psychosocial status deteriorales (inc4eases in depression and
anxiety and decreases in expectations of future life events, social
8upport and pet ownershipJ more between aSSessments will be more
likely to die in the next six months.
3. The three trel\.tment arms of SCD-HeFT wi 11 have different
Impacts on depression, an)('1ety~ expectations of future
and social eupport.
4. Namber of snock~' per year will predict p$ycbQsocial status.
Patients with higher numbers of shocks per year will have higher
depression and anxiety and lower social su~~ort.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/1/01 → 8/31/04 |
- University of Maryland at Baltimore: $100.00
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