Quality Control Lab for NAILM

Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal is intended to serve as a working draft of how the College of Home Economics and NAILM could cooperate in providing NAILM with a quality control laboratory. Since the University is not directly involved in supplying chemicals or products to the members of NAIL~t, the laboratory would serve as an objective laboratory facility and therefore greatly benefit the organization. Laboratory objectivity should insure the quality of the testing service and the close proximity of UK to NAILM headquarters should speed up the testing process. A textile laboratory also offers the potential for additional testing. Currently tensile strength and whiteness retention are the only test being performed on the test piece. In a textile quality assurance program additional testing ' would be highly recommended. The textiles laboratory at UK is equipped with the following equipment: Standard Condition Room for conditioning all test samples as recommended by ASTM Standard Test Methods: Scott Tester to enable the tensile strength measurements that are currently being conducted on the test samples: Launder-ometer which enables simulated washing procedures to be conducted in a laboratory setting: Pilling Tester which could be used to predict pilling of fabrics~ Abrasion Tester which measures the potential abrasion resistance of a fabric~ Vertical Flameability and Tester used for flammability testing and a Fado-ometer which measures fabric fading or color change under simulated environmental conditions. The University is proposing (see attached) the purchase of a Spectraphotometer cords the which measures whiteness retention as well as measurement. Additional testing might include a chemical test using orthotolidine to detect bleach carry over. In addition to the laboratory facility, the fabrics used as test pieces would be obtained from TestFabrics, Inc. The test fabrics will be purchased and sample preparation, ineluding cutting sample sizes, edge-finishing of samples, marking and retaining a control sample would be processed at the University. The laboratory technician would be responsible for this task under the direct supervision of the professional in charge. The terms of this proposal request that NAILM provide funds for the routine maintenance and service of the equipment used extensively for their testing (see attached). In addition, NAILM would be responsible for the cost of the fabrics and the shipping charges incurred in mailing samples and lab results to the customers. This proposal also requests that NAILM provide the salary support for a laboratory technician (see attached). This technician would be under the direct supervision of the professional in charge.
Effective start/end date1/1/8812/31/24


  • Association for Linen Management: $306,436.00


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