Quality Improvement Center on Privatization of Child Welfare Services

  • Collins-Camargo, Crystal (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The QIC PCW has made a great deal of progress during the first six months of the program, in close collaboration with the federal project officer. A significant amount of time has been spent in reviewing and revising the plan for the knowledge gaps assessment and solidifying the roles of the study team, in consultation with the Children's Bureau. The Children's Bureau hosted the QIC PCW Kick-Off meeting on December 12, 2005. Unlike the typical small project kick off process, Vicki Wright, FPO, was instrumental in bringing together nineteen key ACYF and ACF staff, who served as expert consultants on issues and factors to keep in mind as the QIC PCW completes its work. Major themes that emerged from this meeting were 1) the role of HHS in privatization reform nationally and the specific role of this project, 2) ensuring that focal reforms are consistent with federal guidance, 3) points to emphasize with respect to building knowledge, 4) importance of ensuring that tribal issues are addressed, and 5)integrating this effort with other initiatives. In this way, this process served an important early step in the knowledge gaps analysis and development of the Phase II Plan itself. Our National Advisory Board was identified from a pool of potential candidates developed by the study team in consultation with the Children's Bureau, balancing public child welfare administrators, private providers, researchers, representatives from key national organizations, and Indian child welfare. The QIC PCW National Advisory Board convened their first meeting on January 19, 2006 in Washington, D.C. National organizations such as CWLA, NAPCWA, NOFO, AHA, Casey Family Services, and The Annie E. Casey Foundation; public child welfare agencies in Illinois, Los Angeles County and Texas; and, researchers from Florida State University, University of Missouri at Columbia, and the Reason Institute for Public Policy are all represented on the National Advisory Board. There are nineteen advisory board members. The Board was privileged to be addressed by Dr. Susan Orr, who set an important tone regarding the work to be done. After a brief introduction to the purpose of the QIC PCW, the QIC process itself, and the preliminary plans proposed by the study team, this working meeting focused on obtaining board feedback on a number of key topics. Discussions were facilitated around the QIC PCW's needs assessment and knowledge gaps analysis. Key input from board members was utilized in making adjustments in the planned activities for the knowledge gaps assessment (i.e. moving from a regional forum process to one
Effective start/end date9/30/059/29/07


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