Grants and Contracts Details
Abstract of the MQDITA Subcontract Opportunity through CMS:
The University of Kentucky Research Foundation proposes to participate in a 7-state coalition
with the Altarum Institute in Michigan in response to the MACRA Quality Improvement Direct
Technical Assistance (MQIDTA) Solicitation from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS). Altarum Institute will serve as the prime organization for this solicitation and
will form the MACRA-Provider Resource Network (M-PRN), a coalition of multiple
organizations across its proposed 7 state region, including 5 Regional Extension Centers and 3
Quality Improvement Networks. UKRF in concert with UK’s Kentucky Regional Extension
Center within EVPHA and the College of Medicine’s Office of Research will serve as the state-
level coordinating entity for Kentucky.
The MQDITA funding opportunity will result in awards for a one year contract, renewable for up
to five years with the proposed performance period of November 2016 – 2021. The proposed
budget would provide UKRF with $384,000 per year for an overall subcontract amount of $1.92
million over five years. Because this project involves no research or evaluation components
delivered by UK and will provide services to providers across the state, we are requesting a
21.6% indirect rate for this funding opportunity.
The M-PRN is aimed at delivering efficient and effective provider support and technical
assistance (TA) to 50,000 providers across 7 states in their transition to the Merit-Based
Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Models (APMs) under CMS’ new
Quality Payment Program. Transitioning to this new form of payment for Medicare services will
be challenging for all providers, but MQIDTA is aimed specifically at providing targeted support
to small providers in underserved and rural areas. Leveraging an extensive portfolio of regional
assets and relationships for this population of providers, the 7-state M-PRN will deliver support
across Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky.
The M-PRN technical assistance strategy consists of a three-tiered information delivery and
learning system, offering a low, middle, and high-touch support, responsive to client learning
preferences and needs. The first level of assistance will be a M-PRN Knowledge Center which
will contain an FAQ Database, calendar of training events across the network, a help desk and
hotline, and online expert chat. The second tier of assistance will include distance learning and
virtual technical assistance including webinars, digests and alerts, and social media. The third
tier of assistance will be virtual coaching which will involve a virtual learning collaborative ,
assessment and action planning, provider training, office hours with MACRA coaches, and a
variety of in-person and virtual events and webinars.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 2/16/20 → 2/15/21 |
- Altarum Institute: $250,244.00
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