Grants and Contracts Details
Toxoplasmic encephalitis (TE) is one of the HIV-AIDS defining opportunistic infections that is triggered by the
reactivation of a chronic Toxoplasma infection in the brain. The chronic infection is mediated by bradyzoites
which reside within tissue cysts. Dogma has held that bradyzoites are non-replicative metabolically inert
entities. Historically, under this paradigm, the assessment of drug efficacy has been limited to tissue cyst
number, typically presented as a percentage reduction in cyst burden. The actual impact at the level of
individual bradyzoites has been largely ignored. Our recent work (Watts et al. MBio 2015) has directly
challenged the dogma of bradyzoites being metabolically inert having demonstrated that tissue cysts are nonuniform
and contain metabolically heterogeneous bradyzoites that are dynamic and capable of replication.
Enumeration of bradyzoites within tissue cysts was made possible by our development of BradyCount 1.0, an
imaging based application that established the intracyst bradyzoite burden by quantifying the number of nuclei
within a defined optical section of an imaged tissue cyst. An additional marker for cell cycle progression
TgIMC3 captured not only active cytokinesis but also provided a time-stamp to “birthdate” individual
bradyzoites within the cyst. Given that replication is an energy intensive process, we examined the activity of
mitochondria and capacity for stored glucose in amylopectin granules (AG). Consistent with the heterogeneity
in replication potential and recency, mitochondrial activity and AG distribution are also found to be
heterogeneous across encysted bradyzoites. Unlike nuclei, which are discrete round to ovoid structures,
mitochondrial profiles and the AG distribution patterns have varied morphologies. This is also true of the
profiles of individual bradyzoites and the developing progeny within them for which not only the shape, but also
the signal intensity informs on the cell cycle status of individual bradyzoite. These aspects cannot be captured
using BradyCount 1.0. For this reason we propose to develop BradyCount 2.0 which will have the added
functionality of being able to detect and discriminate between a spectrum of morphological forms. We intend to
incorporate trainable machine learning approaches driven by the range of observed phenotypes to develop an
efficient screening platform to inform on these parameters at the level of individual bradyzoites within cysts.
This advance will immediately improve the resolution and potential for mechanistic insights as each tissue cyst
can yield between several hundred to thousands of individual data points. The collection of these functional
physiological data will drive the development of a computational modeling approach, based on a Markov
architecture which is ideal given the opportunistic nature of replication within encysted bradyzoites. We
propose to test the validity of the imaging approaches (focused on cell cycle progression/replication,
mitochondrial activity and stored energy reserves (AG)) singly and in combination by using established drugs
known to have no impact on cyst number (though not necessarily intracyst burden as is the case for
pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine) or a reduction in overall cyst burden (atovaquone and endochin-like
quinolones which target mitochondrial function). Finally, the consequence of drug treatment will be modeled
with the Markov models being refined using the empirically derived biological data. We believe that a
combination of assessing drug effects on individual bradyzoites using quantifiable physiologically relevant
metrics we can establish a new paradigm to robustly test new drugs in vivo. In doing so we will provide the
framework to fill a significant gap in the targeted treatment of the chronic infection in immune suppressed.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 6/17/19 → 8/31/23 |
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: $1,122,423.00
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