R3 STMD/ARMD RFA-013: Development of Refractory High Entropy Alloys Structures Produced via Additive Manufacturing for Extreme Temperature NASA Applications

Grants and Contracts Details


Project Summary: NASA R3 Proposal, FY 2024; Program Topic: RFA-013 Development of Refractory High Entropy Alloys Structures Produced via Additive Manufacturing for Extreme Temperature NASA Applications This proposed work seeks to develop new refractory-based high entropy alloy materials for use as resilient structural components in the extreme temperature environments found for common NASA applications. This work will leverage two unique capabilities at the University of Louisville, including an ultrasonic alloying and atomization platform capable of producing pre-alloyed metallic powders suitable for additive manufacturing (AM) and a 5-axis, powder-based directed energy deposition system for capable of fabricating large, non-planar structural components. Using these capabilities, three distinct refractory high entropy alloy (RHEA) compositions will be developed as AM feedstocks and evaluated post-build for potential NASA structural applications. AM specimen microstructures will be characterized via scanning electron microscopy, and mechanical performance will be tested at elevated temperatures. In particular, yield strength, ultimate strength, and creep behavior will be tested from room temperature up to 1,200?C.
Effective start/end date9/1/248/31/25


  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration: $100,000.00


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