Grants and Contracts Details
Process heat and steam at industrial facilities is frequently supplied by boilers fueled using coal. Combusters less than 25 MW are not regulated by the EP A and release more pollutants per ton of coal than larger combustors at utility plants. Co firing biomass or burning solely biomass would help reduce the emissions of SOx, NOx, and mercury emissions; a reduction in the net emissions of C02 as biomass is C02 neutral; and in most instances, the displacement of an equivalent amount of coal and a lessening of the problems associated with the mining, transport, and utilization of this non-renewable resource. Transporting and handling biomass is prohibitively expensive due to the low bulk density and low energy density. Briquetting biomass would increase the bulk and energy density and produce a product that is free flowing. Com stover, fescue and wood waste will be investigated as the fuel source for the briquettes. Binders will be used to limit the energy input required to briquette the biomass. Binders that will be investigated are residual soybean gum from soybean oil plants, distillers dried grain from ethanol plants, and poultry litter. It is expected that briquettes can be economically produced that would allow for their use by industrial, utility, and potentially residual applications as an energy source.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 3/1/06 → 9/30/07 |
- KY Office of Energy Policy: $35,698.00
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