Regional Industrial Base Cluster Analysis for Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan Area

Grants and Contracts Details


Regional Industrial Base/Cluster Analysis The University of Cincinnati Economics Center for Education and Research and the University of Kentucky Center for Business and Economic Research are conducting a cluster industry study for the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. UK-CBER will function as a sub-contractor to the University of Cincinnati. The scope of workltimeline and proposed budget are on the following pages. Task 1: Database Development Development of Labor Force Data and Link to Industrv Data (January 2004 - February 2004) UK-CBER will take the lead on this sub-task, and will: 1) obtain an industry-occupation matrix for NAICS industry codes and occupations codes; and 2) estimate detailed occupations by county in KY, OH & IN counties. Inclusion of Other Data (January 2004) UK-CBER will be attempt to find KY data for this sub-task by investigating the availability of this data in the Northern KY region. Task 2: Identification of Potential Target Industry Clusters Conduct Preliminary Industry and Workforce Analvses (February 2004) UK-CBER will take the lead in the portion of this sub-task having to do with workforce employment analysis. Assess Clusters in State Economic Development Stratelrles (January 2004 - March 2004) UK-CBER will evaluate cluster studies for the State of Kentucky, with a particular emphasis on determining if study results are appropriate for the Northern Kentucky region. CBER will meet with Northern Kentucky economic development officials as part of this effort. Assist Committee in Identifvin2 Tamet Clusters (March 2004 - May 2004) In assistance to the University of Cincinnati, UK-CBER will participate in presentations and meetings as well as out-of-meeting efforts to work with the Chamber/Partnership Committee to identify Industrial Clusters for the region. Task 3: Create Industry Cluster ProfIle(s) (April 2004 - June 2004) UK-CBER will assist University of Cincinnati in creating an industrial profile of one limited industry cluster.
Effective start/end date2/1/048/31/04


  • University of Cincinnati: $11,100.00


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