Grants and Contracts Details
Wilms tumor is the most common renal malignancy in children. Although the long-term survival
rates for Wilms tumor patients who exhibit localized disease are high, the treatment of the patients is
associated with morbidity and many patients exhibit late effects in life even after they recover.
Additionally, Wilms tumors with anaplastic histology are associated with higher rates of recurrence,
metastases, and death. To address the challenge of resistance to treatment in the high-risk patients
and also prevent the long-lasting side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, new drugs are needed
that are more potent and effective either on their own or in combination with the standard of care
treatment in mitigating tumor growth and metastasis, and have minimal long-term complications.
We and others have shown that the Par-4 tumor suppressor protein induces apoptosis in cancer
cells but not in normal cells. Par-4 elicits intracellular as well as extracellular effects. Elevated levels of
intracellular Par-4 protein in the cytoplasm or nucleus induce apoptosis in cancer cells, and secreted
Par-4 from normal cells induces apoptosis in cancer cells by binding to its cell surface receptor
(cs)GRP78. Several reports have indicated that csGRP78 is expressed primarily in cancer cells and in
only a few normal cells such as monocytes and cancer stromal cells. We identified small molecule
secretagogues, Arylquin-1 and chloroquine that induce Par-4 secretion from normal cells in mouse
models or cancer patients in clinical trials, respectively, and noted that elevated levels of systemic Par-
4 induced by these secretatgogues cause apoptosis of tumors without harming the normal tissue cells.
Safety of the Par-4 secretagogues is demonstrated by the absence of overt toxicity in mice and cancer
patients. Importantly, transgenic mice overexpressing Par-4 are resistant to spontaneous, as well as
induced tumor growth, and have a longer life span compared to control mice that express normal levels
of Par-4. We propose to test an analogue of Arylquin-1 designated Arylquin-116 that is far more potent
(IC50 = 0.5 µM) than Arylquin-1 (IC50 > 2 µM) for inhibition of Wilms tumors in mouse models. Studies
on Arylquin-116 and its analogues in this Supplemental proposal will add depth to the research on
Arylquin-1 proposed in the PCRTF parent application. Our approach involves generating a structure-
activity relationship for Arylquin-116 to produce new derivatives with chemical substitutions that impart
increased potency. Specifically, our studies will generate and test potent analogues of Arylquin-116
that induce cell death at very low nanomolar concentrations, determine whether they induce cancer cell
death by Par-4 secretion-based mechanism or another independent mechanism, identify the direct
target protein regulated by the analogues, and finally test whether they are effective in inhibition of
Wilms tumors in mice without harming normal tissues.
In addition to inducing Par-4 secretion that can produce growth inhibition, Arylquin-1 and
Arylquin-116 inhibit the expression of the tyrosine kinase AXL that functions downstream of the WNT/β-
catenin pathway involved in growth, progression, invasion, and metastasis of cancer cells. However,
Arylquin-116 is far more potent than Arylquin-1 in inducing cancer cell death, implying that Arylquin-
116 must function by a mechanism that partly overlaps yet is distinct from that of Arylquin-1. Our studies
are expected to identify the binding partner of Arylquin-116 that is distinct from that of Arylquin-1, and
provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that can be invoked to kill Wilms tumor cells without
the side effects noted with current chemotherapy or external bean radiation treatment. The findings will
provide the biological and mechanistic framework for developing Arylquin-116 or its most potent
analogues for robust growth inhibition of Wilms tumor and reinforce the impact of the parent grant in
developing new and safe treatments especially for the high-risk childhood cancers.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/24 → 6/30/26 |
- KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $250,000.00
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