Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
The parent project is a longitudinal study of risk. In recent years, we and others have identified the trait of
urgency (the tendency to act rashly when experiencing intense affect) as an important predictor of problem
drinking and the related behaviors of drug use and risky sex in adults (Cyders et al., 2009a; Zapolski etal., in
press). This project focuses on problem drinking onset during early adolescence. We identify adolescence
onset (AO) as a potentially key turning point in development, and we define it as the joint experience of puberty
and middle school entry. We hypothesize that the key personality factor of urgency, present prior to AO,
predicts subsequent high risk learning and, through that learning, early onset drinking (and, as secondary
goals, early onset eating disorders and smoking). We are studying 2,000 children from the spring of 5th grade
(the last year of elementary school) through the spring of 8th grade, with assessments every six months.
The core aim of the parent project is to test this sequential process: (1) AO is associated with increases in the
intercept and mean slope of individual growth in urgency (developmentally, adolescence is characterized by
normative increases in emotional lability and, we believe, urgency); (2) the increase in urgency predicts
increases in the intercept and mean slope of growth in learned expectancies for reinforcement from drinking
measured six months later (Smith et al., 2006); and (3) the increase in expectancy endorsement, in turn,
predicts increases in the mean and slope of growth in drinking behavior measured another six months later.
Thus, individual differences in development along high risk drinking trajectories will be predicted from urgency
prior to AO and will be mapped using a framework that integrates disposition (urgency), psychosocial learning
(expectancy), and behavior.
To confirm the unique role of urgency (that is, the tendency to engage in emotion-based rash action) in this
process, the second aim of the parent project is to contrast its role with that of sensation seeking (the tendency
to seek out novel, thrilling stimulation). As has been shown in adults, urgency growth, through expectancies,
will predict problem drinking, but sensation seeking will not. In contrast, sensation seeking will predict drinking
frequency, but urgency will not (Cyders & Smith, 2007, 2008a, 2008b; Cyders et al., 2009a; Fried et al., 2008;
Smith et al., 2007).
To show that urgency plays a different role from general affectivity, urgency will predict growth in drinking
behavior, and negative affectivity will not add to that prediction. In contrast, negative affectivity will predict
growth in depression, and urgency will not add to that prediction. One key advance that made this project
possible was the demonstration that urgency, and other impulsivity-related traits, could be measured prior to
adolescence (Zapolski et al., 2009a).
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 3/10/08 → 2/28/15 |
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
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- 1 Finished
Developmental Transitions and Risk for Alcohol Use
Smith, G. (PI)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
3/10/08 → 2/28/15
Project: Research project