Revegetation and Forest Succession of Southern Pine-Beetle Killed Shortleaf Stands in the Southern Appalachian/Cumberland Plateau Region

Grants and Contracts Details


In spite of its economic and ecological impact, the natural revegetation/reforestation of SPB-killed stands, and the influence of SPB mortality and/or control on subsequent forest composition and structure, has received little attention (but see Balch 1928, Harrington et a1. 2000, Clarke et at 2000). The processes affecting revegetation are poorly understood and are therefore largely unpredictable. This is especially true in Kentucky where SPB is an infrequent but catastrophic disturbance agent, and ecosystems dominated by susceptible hosts cannot be spared. We currently are assessing stand dynamics and revegetation of SPB-kiIled stands in the western Gulf region, where SPB is a more frequent and more integrally managed forest pest. In the current proposal, we seek funding to perform more extensive, somewhat parallel research in the southern Appalachian! Cumberland Plateau region, where pine hosts are less common and catastrophic SPB overstory mortality less frequent, but no less devastating. The complexity of the situation in Kentucky and the Cumberland Plateau region is further enhanced by the diverse forest type (with a prominent hardwood component), and by fire history. SPB infestations ('spots') range in frequency, distribution, and size, from very small (three trees) to thousands of acres, often with complete mortality of the pine overs tory. In its more 'traditional' range, cutting infested trees and an accompanying uninfested buffer zone typically manage SPB infestations. Treatments are effective (Billings 1980), and used whenever
Effective start/end date4/1/045/31/08


  • Forest Service: $118,600.00


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