Rigorous Evaluation of New or Innovative Approaches to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

Grants and Contracts Details


Cicatelli Associates, Inc. (CAI), is submitting a proposal to the Office of Adolescent Health in response to the above-referenced FOA, to increase the evidence base of teen pregnancy prevention interventions, specifically interventions that address gaps in the current knowledge, reduce disparities and serve high-need populations. As the lead agency, CAI will coordinate the design, delivery and rigorous evaluation of a teen pregnancy prevention intervention designed to increase effective and consistent condom use and knowledge of dual contraceptive methods among young males between the ages of 18 and 20 within foster care settings that will meaningfully contribute to reducing teen pregnancy. As the lead organization for the proposed program, CAI will be responsible for: the overall design and coordination of the program; developing and refining intervention materials; convening the research and implementation advisory group; coordinating project partner collaboration; training and technical assistance regarding the delivery of the proposed intervention; marketing and disseminating study results; monitoring sub-contracts; program and fiscal management; performance monitoring and CQI; and communicating and reporting to OAH. Dr. Richard Crosby is partnering with CAI on the proposed intervention and will function as a Co-Principal Investigator for the program. CAI and Dr. Crosby have collaborated on the design of the proposed intervention, adapted from the ACE model1 developed by Dr. Richard Crosby, which has demonstrated program success in the correct and consistent use of condoms among Black males, 15 to 23 years of age, as well as promising implications for application to teen pregnancy prevention. Dr. Crosby has agreed to contribute materials designed for the initial study for adaptation for the proposed intervention and through signature of this MOU grants permission to CAI to utilize these materials for the proposed program.
Effective start/end date7/1/156/30/16


  • Cicatelli Associates Incorporated: $47,200.00


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