Risk Assessment for Next Generation Readiness ( RANGER) Phase II

Grants and Contracts Details


r The University of Kentucky shall provide technical and engineering support to the RANGER project to develop laboratory based, supply chain predictive models for testbed demonstrations and associated supply chain operational interoperability standards and protocols for use across 000 and commercial users. Emerging trends, methodologies, and technologies shal1 be considered and incorporated, as applicable. Phase 1 shall be comprised of the following three major task areas: I) Analvsis. The University of Kentucky shall analyze current supply chain practices, interactions and risk contributors, efficiency parameters, and provide recommendations as applicable in support of model development, validation, and demonstrations; 2) Model Development and Validation. The University of Kentucky shal1 develop predictive performance models for integrated supply chain operations. Models shall be optimized as required to increase supply chain efficiency and reduce risks. Appropriate supply chain standards and protocols to achieve interoperability shal1 be identified and recommended. 3) Demonstrations. The University of Kentucky shall support pilot demonstrations, reviews, and evaluations as required using the developed models to highlight and identifY feasible supply chain operational performance improvements and efficiencies. University of Kentucky shall provide monthly project status reports to SCRA, support development of project related reports, and support meetings with the customer and other team members, as required.
Effective start/end date7/9/1010/31/11


  • South Carolina Research Authority: $300,000.00


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