RNAi Methods for Zika Virus Vector Control

Grants and Contracts Details


The ability of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) to silence genes was discovered in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans [2]. Within a few years of its discovery, the RNAi was shown to function in nematodes, insects, and plants [3-11]. Over the course of the next decade, numerous improvements to the design, synthesis, and delivery of dsRNA or siRNA, led to the development of RNAi applications in both human and plant health. RNAi could also help with studies in vector biology as well as in developing advanced vector control methods. RNAi works very well in coleopteran insects and commercial products for control of corn rootworm, and Colorado potato beetle are under development. However, RNAi efficiency in insects belonging to other orders including Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemiptera is variable, limiting its widespread applications. One of the main challenges in the widespread use of RNAi technology in vector biology and development of novel methods for controlling disease vectors is the lack of effective and reliable dsRNA delivery methods. We propose to develop novel formulations that are composed of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) composited with polymers and/or particulate cores resulting in nanostructured delivery vehicles, or dsRNA nanocomposites (dsRNA-NCs).
Effective start/end date2/14/171/31/20


  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: $385,000.00


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