RSF 127: ITD and PRISM Program Support - MCSAP 22

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract RSF, 127 ITD and PRISM Program Support – MCSAP 22 10/01/22 – 9/30/23 PI: Jennifer Walton Kentucky’s ITD team is made up of a diverse group of agencies working together to meet the national ITD goals and advance Kentucky’s expanded ITD program. This group is also composed of the PRISM team from Kentucky who focuses on the priorities outlined by the PRISM program. The Kentucky Transportation Center at UK has been contracted to serve as the facilitator for this group and provide administrative, technical, and logistical support. For an active group focused on ITD and PRISM, this support is not only beneficial but essential. This administrative support helps to strengthen Kentucky’s ITD and PRISM programs and therefore will help the Commonwealth of Kentucky advance the national priorities for these programs. A continued area of focus will be enhancing Kentucky’s CVIEW, improving data quality, and tracking and reporting performance measures. In 2006, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet entered into an agreement with KTC to provide program management, technical support, and logistical support for Kentucky’s CVISN Program. Under this agreement, the CVISN Team was reformed and reenergized, several planning meetings have been held, priority projects have been identified and initiated, and Kentucky is moving forward with the Expanded CVISN (now ITD) Program. Over time, assisting with the PRISM program also became part of KTC’s responsibilities. Staff members at KTC are providing day-to-day support for the programs, including preparation of meeting agendas, scheduling and arrangements for off-site meetings, information gathering and dissemination, documentation of existing and planned systems, preparation of quarterly reports, participation in conference calls, etc. KTC staff also collect and analyze data as requested by the Program Manager or ITD/PRISM team. This project will provide for the general support functions necessary to keep the PRISM/ITD Program on-track and moving forward for FFY 2022. Specific objectives of this effort include: 1. To host and arrange at least four meetings of the ITD/PRISM team 2. To host a ITD/PRISM planning meeting for the ITD team 3. To attend at least one national ITD or PRISM-related meeting 4. To document enhancements to Kentucky’s screening systems 5. To document improvements to data quality 6. To prepare and report on performance metrics for Kentucky’s ITD/PRISM team and FMCSA
Effective start/end date10/1/224/24/24


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $215,000.00


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