Grants and Contracts Details
RSF 146, Park Sign Compliance Installation and Evaluation (HP-ITD 2023)
Kentucky’s weigh stations utilize manually triggered park signs to direct commercial vehicles to the station’s parking
lots where the vehicles are inspected by Kentucky State Police commercial vehicle inspectors. If a commercial vehicle
driver chooses to disobey a park sign at a weigh station the station’s civilian staff do not have the legal authority to
chase down the vehicle.
The objective of this project is to reduce the number of illegal weigh station bypasses by 10% through the
implementation of a Park Sign Compliance System at two Kentucky weigh stations.
The Kentucky Transportation Center will work with KSP-CVE and KYTC to complete the following tasks:
Task 1: Kickoff Project/Form Steering Committee – KTC will work with the ITD Program Manager and the
Major over Commercial Vehicle Enforcement at KSP to identify a steering committee for this project. The steering
committee will be composed of representatives from KYTC, KSP, KTC, and others as needed. The steering
committee will meet as needed over the course of the project to monitor progress and to provide direction.
Task 2: Site Preparation and Procurement of Equipment – KTC will work with KYTC’s vendor to determine
specific equipment and site preparation needs for the success of the project.
Task 3: Equipment Install and Optimization – KTC will monitor the vendor as they install the equipment at the
Laurel NB and SB weigh stations. Once installed, KTC will work with the vendor to optimize the system.
Task 4: Training – KTC will work with the vendor to provide training on the use of the system to KSP and KYTC
representatives. This is anticipated to occur over the course of one day after the system is optimized.
Task 5: Testing and Optimization – KTC will monitor the system to ensure all components are working as
designed. Any problems will be reported to the vendor for corrective action. KTC staff will also collect data in the
form of images, decodes, and listed violations and analyze them for accuracy. Modifications to the system will be
made as needed.
Task 6: Collection of Data – KTC will be responsible for collecting data related to illegal weigh station bypasses at
the Laurel NB and SB stations before and after installation. The focus of the effort will be on identifying the number
of vehicles that ignore the park sign at the end of the ramp before the system installation and after. KTC anticipates
collecting several hours of data for this effort over various days.
Task 7: Summary and Evaluation– KTC will summarize the activities under this project. This will include a
comparative analysis of before and after illegal weigh station bypasses at both locations to determine if the
performance objective was met.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 11/1/23 → 9/30/27 |
- KY Transportation Cabinet: $50,000.00
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