RSF 69: System Evaluation and Performance Monitoring of mCDL

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky State Police (KSP) is collaborating with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) in an effort to improve the CDL testing process by implementing mCDL software to all CDL examiners in Kentucky. Funds were received through the FY2017 CDLPI grant to accomplish this project. The goal is to reduce registration and exam processing time while improving the accuracy and scoring on the CDL test. This software will also help to prevent fraud as the testing process and examiners can be monitored remotely. CDL examiners will move away from paper CDL test forms, allowing them to complete the registration process more quickly while ensuring that scores are totaled accurately. This software also means that test scores can be transmitted from the field to the Commercial Skills Test Information Management System (CSTIMS) and Kentucky’s Driver License Information System (KDLIS). The automated transmission to Kentucky’s system will help Kentucky to get accurate data into CDLIS more quickly. KTC has been asked to provide an evaluation and monitor the performance of mCDL. KTC will work with CDL Branch administrators and examiners to document the current process for CDL testing. This summary will take into account all aspects of CDL testing including the registration, administration of the test, reporting scores, auditing of the examiners, and data uploads to CSTIMS and CDLIS. During this task, KTC will identify pertinent stakeholders and will create a Study Advisory Committee for the project. Task 2: Documentation of mCDL Process After full implementation and once testing is completed, KTC will document the new process in place. Next, researchers will compare the two processes to ascertain and document benefits of the implementation. To the degree possible, these benefits will be described both qualitatively and quantitatively. If any negative impacts are identified, these will be documented as well. Task 3: Survey of Examiners KTC will work with the Study Advisory Committee to develop a survey for examiners. It is anticipated that the survey will be administered electronically. Questions will be posed to help identify the pros and cons of utilizing mCDL and will help to determine if any enhancements are needed to the mCDL software or process. Task 4: Summary of Findings KTC will summarize the findings of the evaluation based on data collected in Tasks 1, 2, and 3. Researchers will specifically determine if anticipated benefits are actually received through the implementation of mCDL. Task 5: Development of Final Report KTC will summarize all work in a final report and present a summary to the Study Advisory Committee.
Effective start/end date4/1/189/30/21


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $45,000.00


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