RSF 82, Voice Recognition and Audible Alert Features for the CVIEW

Grants and Contracts Details


The goal of this project is to increase the vehicle out-of-service (VOOS) rate and the number of violations per inspection on roadside inspections performed by KSP-CVE. Toward this goal, Kentucky is seeking to develop a voice recognition and audible alert feature for the CVIEW. This would allow officers to safely utilize the screening capabilities within the CVIEW while roadside (stationary or mobile). This enhancement to the CVIEW will help roving officers to identify carriers with serious safety issues (such as a Federal Out-of-Service) and credential problems (such as non-payment of UCR and a revoked IFTA license). The CVIEW is an integral part of Kentucky’s ITD program and its usage helps enforcement to identify unsafe and/or improperly licensed or registered vehicles. The objective of this project is to implement voice recognition and audible alert features for the CVIEW in order to: • Increase the VOOS rate by 5% for roadside inspections in Kentucky • Increase the number of violations per inspection by 5% for roadside inspections in Kentucky Task 1: Establishment of a Steering Committee KTC will work with the Project Chair to establish a steering committee for the project. It is anticipated this committee will primarily consist of representatives from Kentucky State Police, the Department of Vehicle Regulation, and the Commonwealth Office of Technology. Task 2: Development of Functional Requirements KTC will facilitate a meeting with the Steering Committee in order to identify the functional requirements of the voice recognition/audible alert features. KTC will interview additional KSP-CVE staff (as needed) to develop the functional requirements. Based on this information, KTC will prepare a draft of the functional requirements and allow for review and approval by the Steering Committee. Task 3: Implement and Test Functional Requirements KTC will work with the CVIEW vendor as they implement the functional requirements in a test environment. KTC will perform initial testing on the functionality and then work with individuals within KSP to further test prior to pushing out to all CVIEW users. Further optimization of the functionality may be needed after full rollout. Task 4: Evaluation of Functionality Once elements have been tested, Kentucky will evaluate the success of the project. Did the features meet the functional requirements specified? What is the accuracy rate of the technology? Are enhancements needed to optimize its usefulness? Were the performance objectives met? These findings will be shared with the FMCSA and the ITD
Effective start/end date11/1/199/30/22


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $28,500.00


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