Rural Health Outreach Special Initiative: HeartHealth in Rural Kentucky Phase II

Grants and Contracts Details


he specific aim of the “HeartHealth in Rural Kentucky: Phase II” project is to expand the benefits in CVD risk reduction gained in the counties served by the Center of Excellence in Rural Health (CERH) in Hazard, as part of Phase I, to the regions of Kentucky covered by the CERH’ s in Madisonville, Danville, and Morehead (Figure 1). This project addresses both of the two major goals of Healthy People 2010 by targeting cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor reduction in rural communities in order to reduce the incidence of CVD and prevent its progression in those who already have it.
Effective start/end date9/1/108/31/12


  • Health Resources and Services Administration: $1,980,000.00


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