Rural HIV/STD Prevention Project

Grants and Contracts Details


The Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP) will be funded by CDC for a period of 1 year, beginning March 1st, 2009. RCAP provides service and support to prevention efforts related to HIV/AIDS in rural America. Dr. Crosby will be a Co-Director of RCAP for this 1-year cycle. In this role, he will be responsible for assisting the Director (from Indiana University) and the other Co-Director (from the University of Colorado) to plan and evaluate all RCAP activities, including the planning and implementation of the national conference in 2009. He will also serve as a consultant to RCAP clients who need assistance with the design and implementation of program evaluation activities. This work will involve phone conferences but not travel. In addition, Dr. Crosby will attend the CDC HIV Prevention Conference (August, 2009) to represent RCAP.
Effective start/end date3/1/092/28/10


  • Indiana University: $50,000.00


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