Rutgers Center of Excellence for Rapid Surveillance of Tobacco

Grants and Contracts Details


Center for Rapid Surveillance of Tobacco (CRST) to Assess changes in Use behaviors, Product Marketing, and the Marketplace ABSTRACT This application will support a Center that will conduct time-sensitive data collection strategies to report on emerging trends in marketing, the marketplace, and tobacco use. There will be two main components to the data collection including point of sale surveillance and a young adult cohort across 6 sentinel sites in different areas of the country. We will conduct standardized store audits two times per year across the data collection period along with rapid response audits to assess any new marketing trends or the introduction of novel products. We additionally will expand and existing young adult cohort into additional sentinel sites conducting a longitudinal survey across the data collection period. These strategies will allow us to link changes in marketing to changes in product use over time and across sites. These efforts can also be used to rapidly test new data collection items that can be utilized in more traditional surveillance efforts. These CRST will allow the FDA Center for Tobacco Products to have rapid and constant surveillance to inform it’s regulation of the manufacture, distribution and marketing of tobacco products to protect public health.
Effective start/end date6/1/235/31/24


  • Rutgers University: $82,808.00


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