Ryan White Part C Early Intervention Services

Grants and Contracts Details


Summary of Request: The Bluegrass Care Clinic (BCC) proposes to continue providing comprehensive primary care services to HIV-positive persons in central and eastern Kentucky. Located in the Kentucky Clinic at the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center, BCC services include: medical evaluation and clinical care; medical case management; nutrition counseling; patient health/adherence education; mental health counseling; the provision of emergency drug supplies; continuous quality improvement (CQI); consumer involvement; access to clinical trials; as well as referrals to medical specialty care, psychiatry, substance abuse counseling, and oral health care. In 2008, the BCC received on-going expansion funding. Due to an increasing overrepresentation of minorities in the patient population (17% African American and 6% Hispanic), as compared to the service area population (4% African American and 2% Hispanic), this expansion grant included $39,710 in Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) funding. The BCC seeks funding preferences for increased burden, rural areas, and underserved
Effective start/end date9/30/013/31/14


  • Health Resources and Services Administration: $654,485.00


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