Rye Crop and Disease Management in Kentucky Report on 2020-2021

Grants and Contracts Details


1) RYE MANAGEMENT GENERAL PROTOCOL For the 2020]2021 season, we are as interested in grain quality as we are in yield. Based on previous research, the standard practice appears to be 750,000 seeds per acre, 75 pounds nitrogen per acre and a fungicide at flowering (anthesis). These assume proper soil pH, adequate soil test P, K and Zn, excellent weed control, and application of an insecticide if aphids are at threshold. We have some limited data to suggest we should try even lower seeding rates and nitrogen rates. This study would be conducted at Princeton (2 soil types) and Lexington (1 soil type; 3 sites, total). The management questions include early and gon]timeh seeding dates. Other treatments will be compared to the gStandard Practiceh and include variations such as a lower seeding rate, a lower nitrogen rate, the addition of sulfur and some seed treatments. Measurements include head counts, leaf samples for Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, grain yield, grain moisture, grain test weight, DON levels, and grain distilling quality analysis for all treatments. We hypothesize that the lower seeding rate and nitrogen rate might develop better grain quality. 2) RYE FUNGICIDE GENERAL PROTOCOL Previous research has demonstrated the need for timely fungicide application to control Fusarium head blight. Those studies have demonstrated that fungicides applied at flowering do not disrupt pollination. Observations from 2020 imply that an earlier fungicide timing could help protect the flag leaf. We are proposing to conduct fungicide trials in Princeton and Lexington (two fields, total), to investigate several fungicides applied at either flag leaf, flowering or 5 days after flowering. Measurements will include Disease incidence and severity post anthesis; grain yield, moisture and test weight; DON concentration (all treatments and replications); and Distilling Quality tests.
Effective start/end date9/1/2012/31/21


  • Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association


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