Saddle to STEM: Community-distributed, Youth-targeted, Equine-based Educational Opportunities for Application in Animal Agriculture

Grants and Contracts Details


Project Summary (250 words) There is an ever-increasing need for a STEM-educated workforce within animal agriculture and society. The Saddle to STEM program will leverage youth interest in horses and equitation to stimulate interest in animal genetics and associated technologies while generating a basic understanding of genetic concepts and terminology. This non-formal, community-led educational platform will foster advanced scientific literacy with an emphasis on the creation of a future STEM-based agricultural workforce pipeline. The overall goal is to introduce animal and agricultural science programming to a new youth demographic, facilitating development of technological skills, and understanding of science through non-formal educational opportunities in genetics that utilize existing youth equine education programs at the University of Kentucky and the University of Connecticut. The Saddle to STEM curriculum will have two major components, 1) the youth-based curriculum, and 2) the development of training materials for curriculum administrators. Objectives of the project focus on 1) recruitment of a new diverse population, 2) development of a community-led, user-tested curriculum, in partnership with animal genetics educators, industry and extension professionals for middle and high school students that will introduce and educate participants in STEM technologies essential to animal genetics. 3) creation of multi-modal activities and resources (e.g., interactive online activities, podcasts, videos, and printed materials) and 4) increasing science literacy. The project will develop modular in-person and online curricula, with continued assessment and refinement to increase students’ knowledge and interest in genetics and genomics. Saddle to Stem will result in our targeted population becoming lifelong science learners generating a scientifically literate workforce pipeline.
Effective start/end date8/1/247/31/27


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture: $749,999.00


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