Safety Belt and Child Safety Seat Survey - OP-07-08

  • Agent, Kenneth (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


'DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: . " .. To condu~t observational surveys of safety belt and child safety seat usage in Kentucky and conduct pre and post telephone: surveys. ' , I The follo~ing is mutually agreed by the parties executing this contract: the reimbursable costs shall not exceed $100,000.00, the recipient of funds shall proceed with the implementation of the program as detailed in this contract and shall adhere to conditions specified in this contract, all Federal and State of Kentucky laws and regulations are applicable, and any addendum or conditions thereto sh¥lll be binding; any facilities and/or equipment acquir~d in connection with this contract shall be uSed and maintained for highway safe,ty purposes; the recipient of funds mU!~tcomply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Federal funds from: other sources, including Federal RevenueSharing funds, will not be used to match the Federal fUl1Idsobligated to this project
Effective start/end date10/1/069/30/07


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