SARE Professional Development Training Program

    Grants and Contracts Details


    When Kentucky decided not to apply for Model State Program status last year, it was because its SARE program was in transition. Dr. Jimmy Henning has now replaced Mr. Paul Deaton at the University of Kentucky and a new advisory committee structure has been developed and members have been named. Another exciting development is the creation of a sustainable agriculture curriculum in the College of Agriculture. During the next SARE POP cycle, the new SARE Advisory Committee will be utilized to define and chart a new direction for Sustainable Agriculture in Kentucky focusing on the three main goals of economically profitable, environmentally sound and supportiveness to communities. The loss of the USDA Tobacco Program and the receipt by farmers of tobacco buyout payments are having a dramatic impact on the structure of agriculture and creating a teachable moment. As many of75% of former tobacco growers will quit raising the crop and are searching for alternatives. The needs of these farmers were addressed at the 2005 Advisory Council meeting and are incorporated into this Model State Plan. A broader range of partnerships is changing the scope of extension in Kentucky. Efforts to develop programs focused on sustainable woodlot management, pasture management and water quality, opportunities for women in agriculture and small scale marketing and entrepreneurship efforts depend on broader partnerships. SARE PDP resources will support these relationships.
    Effective start/end date4/1/063/31/07


    • University of Georgia: $10,000.00


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