SARE Sustainable Ag Training Program (MSP)

  • Meyer, Alphonse (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Kentucky SARE coordinators and program assistant met with the Kentucky SARE Advisory Council to develop the Kentucky SARE planning agenda for the 2014-15 project year. With the AC's input, the Model State Program at the University of Kentucky plans to include trainings for agricultural professionals, supported with $9,000 of its SARE budget, through three activities: an organic corn and cover crops training workshop; an update of "GAP" (Good Agricultural Practices); and a reunion of county teams engaged in local Community Food Systems development. These training activities will be supplemented with funding of agent travel to the Southern SAWG (sustainable agricultural conference). Finally, a mini-grant opportunity will be provided to agents and specialists for a training they initiate which supports the Kentucky state sustainability plan. In addition, an evaluation of the February, 2014 Community Food Systems training will be conducted and used to direct follow up programs. Kentucky's SARE advisory council (AC) has decided to meet at least twice per year, including one face-to-face meeting and the other(s) by conference call. The AC farmer members will be on a three year rotation, with other positions connected with specific organizations and government entities (such as the NRCS and the Ky. Department of Agriculture. $1,000 of the annual travel budget will be use for honoraria for the farmer members of the AC.
Effective start/end date9/1/146/7/15


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