SCAHIP Pilot - Logging Emergency Training - Stop the Bleed and First Aid

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract The forest and wood industry is a multibillion dollar economic sector in Kentucky that provides 59,300 jobs. The state is the leading producer of hardwood sawlogs with annual harvests over 700 million board feet and 1.2 million tons of pulp wood. Timber harvesting activities are conducted throughout the state mainly by local contractors operating ground based equipment. Logging is consistently ranked at the top of the most dangerous professions Under regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), loggers are required to complete first aid training. Many loggers are in need of this training and we have identified a deficiency in awareness and competency of the nationwide "Stop the Bleed" training campaign ( With this pilot we plan to conduct two training programs- one in the eastern portion of the state (Clark County/Winchester) and one in the western portion of the state (Marshall County/Benton) to provide needed training for Kentucky Master Loggers to increase first aid response as well as assess the loggers change in knowledge. We will limit the program to 80 participants’ total- 40 at each program. This proposed Stop the Bleed first aid training offers the potential to save lives during crucial moments for severely injured persons. Each participant will receive a Stop the Bleed kit to take with them and put in their truck or equipment with their first aid gear.
Effective start/end date9/30/229/29/23


  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health


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