Scope: Advancing US Soybean Oil Advantages Supporting Worldwide: Review of the Quality of Soybean Oil from Different Geographic Areas

Grants and Contracts Details


Triacylglycerol/oils are energy reserves, which are important in human/animal nutrition. The majority of oils consumed by humans are derived from plant seeds and vegetable oil consumption is expected to double by 2040.. Soybeans oil is high in linoleic and saturated fatty acids (FA) (mostly linoleic and palmitic acid; about 55% and 15%). Although soybean and other plant oils (such as flaxseed and canola) contain significant amounts of the linolenic acid, they lack other beneficial FAs like arachidonic (AA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexanoic (DHA), which are of keen interest in human and animal health. The proposed work will utilize the US soybean export council provided data set, as well as information from a variety of other sources (AOCS materials, peer reviewed articles, trade publications, etc.) to review and access the parameters used to assay oil quality.
Effective start/end date1/1/225/31/22


  • United States Soybean Export Council Incorporated


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