Scope: DD Council-Federal TCLG (CL 6)

  • Compton, Jonathan (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky - Human Development Institute will provide a part time employee to assume the duties and functions of the Budget Officer for the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities. This individual shall work a minimum of sixteen (16) hours per week under the supervision of the Executive Director of the Council. The duties of this individual shall be but not limited to: 1.--Prepare the annual budget for the Council and present the budget to the Council for approval. 2.--Prepare the expense reports quarterly that are presented to the Finance Committee of the Council. Act as staff liaison to the Finance Committee. 3.--Prepare all third party contracts required to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Council at the direction of the various work teams of the Council. 4.--0versee the preparation of documents requiring the expenditure of Council funds to insure that they are coded to the appropriate expenditure codes. · 5.--Monitor the balance of the Council's Federal grant. 6.--Work closely with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services budget office to insure the Council's Federal grant is set up correctly in the state's accounting system. 7.--Attend meetings that relate to the Council's funding and expenditures. 8.--Act as liaison between the Council and the Department for Behavioral Health and Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities relating the contract or budgetary matters.
Effective start/end date7/1/166/30/17


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  • DD Council-Federal TCLG

    Compton, J. (PI)


    Project: Research project