Scope: FY19 Comprehensive Assessment and Training Services Project (CATS V)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky (UK) will operate a CATS Project that will provide multidisciplinary, non-medical assessments of children and families of Medicaid eligible children and Title IV-B eligible children and their foster/adoptive parents. The CATS Project provides comprehensive, multidimensional assessments of DCBS involved Medicaid eligible children and their caregivers after substantiated abuse and/or neglect has occurred. This assessment includes multiple domains including the following: comprehensive record review, psychometric screening, interviews and observations of caregivers and children. In addition, home visits and collateral interviews are often conducted. The goal of the assessment is to gather and synthesize data, and to identify obstacles to safe parenting, in order to facilitate the development of a DCBS case plan that effectively minimizes risk to children and expedites permanency. DCBS staff will be assisted in translating the assessment results to the case planning process. CATS Project staff provides court testimony when requested. The CATS Project also conducts assessments and treatment of children in pre-adoptive or post-adoptive homes and homes with the focus on building healthy attachments with the goal of promoting and minimizing disruptions. CATS provides a foster/adoptive parent support group. This contract also calls for training of DCBS staff and foster parents regarding attachment and other mental health issues.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/19


  • KY Department of Community Based Services


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